Approach - Abstract Art Allured by Time
Gar is an emerging visual artist. The nature of his photographic art is conceptual abstract vision. The idea behind the work is to “Create the invisible, Visible”. To uncover the unseen. To find inspiration in the everyday ordinary patterns in life and change the way we see them, the way we feel them. To eliminate any kind of visual reference to the real world in order to create works that refer only to themselves. To create art that deserves a life of its own.
Gar has been a photographer most of his life. Originally drawn to photography when he was very young, he fall in love with the notion of stopping time to take a better, closer look at life. This inspiration led him to focus on the things most people never see. He became moved more by exploring the details of the obvious, than of the obvious itself.
Today, Gar is more interested in creating pure art, discovering unexpected ways of seeing the world through the camera lens. He is always looking for what the camera can do when he gives it free rein, with no expectations. Gar loves creating another form, another life that exists only through the use of the camera. Light is his partner and time is his mistress. These elements call to him and allow him to unveil, unleash the unseen abstract form that lies inside the beauty of the light, patterns, colors and narrative of the original object(s). He would say, “The photograph finds me and I become the vehicle through which the art finds its way to the print.”
Photography literally means, "drawing with light". Before photography, painters created art that was an accurate representation of real life. Photography changed that in the mid 1800's. Photography could do a better job of depicting real life, so artists were relieved of their obligation to realism and started to play with what would become impressionism, expressionism and other forms of non-representational art. In a similar way, Gar set off on a course to reverse the realism of the camera's ability and started a journey to create impressionistic and expressionistic abstract art using only a camera. What he calls, “Abstract Visionism”.
Gar creates his art by "painting with light" using only his camera. The capture screen, (like film) in his digital camera, is his canvas. The camera and lens are Gar’s brushes and the palette is whatever he finds, or finds him, that has a good choice of colors, shapes, and narrative while exposing light to create the art he sees in his mind.
Play is essential to Gar’s work. His art examines the way a camera can turn any object, subject, or form into a performance of expressing ideas, experiences, and feelings through completely abstract methods, thereby producing a previously unseen work of art. Only a camera can truly capture, create a work of art that is totally different from the original object and still be that same object - so different from the original form that the object is unknown to the viewer.
As Gar paints with his camera, he uses time to create something new. The light and life of the objects emerge, emit and reflect colored light that flows over, into, around and between one another to create fluid art.
The magic is in five elements:
Light – The light that reveals the colors of the object’s palette.
Movement – The performance, the rhythmic movement of the camera, painting as the light flows onto the capture screen.
Narrative –The backstory of the objects calling to be released to the life to which they belong.
Objects – The forms/shapes/patterns /composition of the objects as they appear in everyday circumstances.
And Time – The amount of time the shutter is open as the story unfolds.
Gar is drawn to photograph these seeming “Auras” as they call to him to release their untold, unseen story of art revealing a hidden world that speaks in the intuitive language of emotions.
Gar’s works are original photographs that are created in the camera at the time of exposure. These original works are not retouched or manipulated in any way. Some works may have little imperfections. He feels these imperfections add to the value of the art. Because the images are captured as raw files, Gar post-processes each work to bring out the color of the original object as he feels it adds value to the art.
Attentive to the way the camera serves as a silent recorder of time – documenting our every movement, every reality, every fantasy – the art Gar is creating, invokes commentary about the way photography pervades contemporary life.
In Gar’s words, “I am passionate, excited and motivated by the unknown and the process that creates peaceful, simple, and soothing art that relaxes the inner viewer.”
“I love what I do!”